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Fill your print or online pages with our publish-ready content solutions.

With everything from digital games for iOS and Android to traditional products such as comics and crosswords, Bulls has complete content solutions ready for publication in both digital format and print. Add your unique touch to our white label games solutions, use our engaging filler content or let our experienced editorial team create content that is custom made for your brand or readers.

Daily newspaper readers start reading from the back of the paper – with comics. This is not surprising. For more than a hundred years comics have helped people to start their day and move forward – forward to the rest of the paper.

Crossword Puzzles
As Sweden’s largest crosswords supplier, Bulls has crossword puzzles and number puzzles of all kinds. The products are available in different sizes and are adapted for both digital and print.

Games and activities
Interest in digital games continues to grow. Bulls’ digital games attracts and guides the readers beyond paywalls and our white label solutions allow you expose brands inside the games.


I will find the perfect solution for you.

James Eliasson

International Sales Director

M +46 70 594 41 50

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