Good prices, high quality and a valuable knowledge of current media are keywords for a print purchaser today. Bulls Graphics is all that. Bulls Graphics collaborates with print suppliers of various kinds in Lithuania, Sweden and the Czech Republic. Consequently, we can give your product the attention it deserves, whether it involves hard or soft cover, textbooks, flexoband or children’s books. Read more at
Simple and secure
Changing suppliers can sometimes feel insecure, especially if the new one is outside Sweden. Don’t worry. Bulls Graphics is located in Halmstad and always acts as your contact with the print supplier.
We help you throughout the process
We look after the prepress ourselves – the repro, layout, proofing and trial print. We are proud to be able to offer this expertise and service. If you need help with the text production, images and design, we can arrange that, too.
Further advantages
- We deliver mandatory copies to the libraries.
- We help you with the distribution and storage.